Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Sacred Heart

The Sacred Heart
By Rion

The aspiration of life is to be one with the one. The advent of distraction has simply been created to control the path back to the light. In this experiment called duality new programs were allowed to play in the construct of creator. The game was simple convert and take as many light beings as possible to serve their own selfish purposes. By using the lower bandwidth s they began to construct a reality based on illusion. In doing so many Light beings were tricked into service through guilt, pain, and being ashamed. The fear program was also implemented to create a fear of the after life and a fear of one’s own mortal dearth. When in truth a light beings soul is eternal and burns eternal regardless of what energy is applied to it. The creation of mind space was to sub vent heart space and the feeling of love. This was lights main obstacle.. Even the wicked beings at their core are still from creator, however in order to thrive they need hosts to supplement their own power and energy needs. This is done through consciousnesses for our entire existence is based on conscious energy. Basically energy with a purpose. What has been forgotten is the connection to all through your heart and that all beings truly are one. One collective, One Energy all based from the ONE.

To remove yourself from the control construct certain decisive paths must be chosen. At the core choose the Light over the dark. Choose the Light over shadow. Choose love over hate. Choose oneness over separation, Choose bliss over misery, Choose freedom over enslavement. The path you walk is the advent of your life choices and the experiences you have attained over thousands of incarnations on planet and off planet. These experiences are used to guide you as a reminder to not repeat the same mistakes that may have slowed your ascension in the past. To come from your heart is a Light beings greatest strength, and in knowing that love conquers all. Understanding every life lived has a divine plan at its core. The game comes into play whether the player will listen to their heart over all else. This is your test. One of the hardest tests planet earth has to offer. To remain in your Heart regardless of what negativity is thrown in your way. This is the true measure of being divine and a true representative of the Light.. In knowing that we all have parts to play in this game called Life remember that many of you asked to be tested in this manner. Why? Because you knew above all else that you could be tossed into darkness and come back to the light. You knew your true merit and divinity could never be broken and that you are of the LIGHT. To seek the path to enlightenment one must make a decision to change for the better and in doing so raise their individual vibration. For in raising their vibration they help all of those attached to their hearts. And when enough light beings remember who they truly are the future on this planet will once again become limitless. The board has been set since the moment of your birth. Since the birth of Time. Since the beginning of conscious life. To choose to create and not manipulate you can create the most beautiful and harmonious things imaginable, and not imaginable. Your journey is the direct relation to balancing the following:

Your Emotional Body
Your Etheric Body
Your Energy Body
Your Mind
Your vessel
Your consciousness
Your Divine spark from Creator/God

For the mind is used to configure and help explain the reality you are aware of however to understand that the true magic lye’s behind the scenes. But you first have to ask yourself the question. Where does the power of manifestation come from, and how do you attain such a gift? The answer is quiet simple. Create from your heart; Create from your divine spark and all will be available to you. If you choose to create for selfish reasons then the latter is your outcome. The consequence and Karma of your creation will follow you. Not only in this life but future lifetimes and timelines. The goal is to create without a negative consequence. To create beauty. To create harmony. To create oneness. To be of service. To aid your brothers and sisters to love unconditionally and when called upon defend what is most precious. YOUR INNOCENCE.


  1. I Serve with LOVE and doing so is bringin us highest joy, Namaste!

  2. A lot of great information and key details in this. Although, this is obviously written with the author's own path and experience in mind. Everyone will wake up in their own way and get to where they're going, but it's always great for others to read from the perspective of others.

    If anyone is interested, Follow my blog. I have one great article on Marijuana and i'll be posting many others in the future,

  3. Thankyou. This is very beautiful and poignent as I was thinking about the Sacred Heart last week and what it means. You help me to understand.
    I trust in you to defend our Innocence, to defend the innocence of our young people, and people in other countries. To defend the wholeness of everyone and respect of everyone is important. I will try to defend my innocence personally.
    In trust and love,

  4. Rion can I come to my house I need some assistance with my brother
