Wednesday, July 13, 2011



CRYSTAL GENERATION: Age 23 to Present Day
Beings incarnated holding a higher vibration.

Development: Increased awareness and dimensional abilities to project themselves and spread light, love and ensure a smooth and permanent 5th Dimensional structure.
Purpose: To maintain the higher vibration necessary.

Incarnated with elements positive and negative in order to reflect and modify the 3rd Dimensional reality towards re-joining a higher vibration of consciousness.

Development: is governed/monitored by the intent and awareness of individuals as they discover their purpose through tests and lessons necessary in their remembering their true form and connection to the higher dimensions of reality and understanding their connection to them.

Indigos are here to help make the way for the crystals to hold the structure of love and abundance. This time periods for allowance from the universe is necessary in fully understanding the influences of negative content which need to be adjusted. Indigos individual transition through processing themselves in service to all and eventually waking up to the light is pertinent intel for the Crystals to not repeat and the solution drawn from the Collective Consciousness and the most benevolent plan to effectively carry their transition to completion.

Concepts to Consider


Understand there is more to this reality then meets the eye
In 3D your reality is only perceived as clear as your optics can process to your chemical computer
You true is only your pineal gland, is the lens necessary to pierce the veil of this illusion
All true wisdom is earned
The choice to evolve/ascend cannot be forced upon anyone else, this is your own choice for this a free will planet, this is your journey, your path to walk
Your intent governs your focus. Your focus governs your acceleration through this transition period

No being ever dies. The vessel is only no longer useable, energy can never go away, the soul never goes away. It is always existence. It simply changes form.
Never judge anyone on their path, they may be in a different place then you, but it is not better or worse. Source experiences itself in a variety of ways.

What is ascension?
Ascension is the transition of a being in to a higher state of consciousness.  Ascension reflects all aspects of consciousness as the being evolves towards enlightenment.  Enlightenment is the understanding that all things are connected and in that knowingness we are one.  Knowingness is the ability to see through the veil of the construct and grasp the deeper meaning of life.  The construct here on earth is created by sound and light, which is then given form through consciousness and in this consciousness existence, is being created and experienced simultaneously.   But due to the fourth dimensional subconscious barrier creation and experience are known as separate.  The creation element is often realized through manifestation of positive or negative thought forms.  This brings me to my next topic...

What is multi-dimensional awareness?
This type of awareness is being able to listen to your inner voice.  Understanding that to reach the next level of awareness a training regiment must exist to actively change ones life into falling into alignment into ones highest intent.  In developing your knowingness the questions you seek answers to will change/evolve.  In developing the new found freedom of awareness, responsibilities of ones actions are president, as is their understanding of wrong decisions in the past.   In processing the memories of this life, you will then begin to process the lives of your higher selves and decisions they have made.  

 In processing these elements you bring all aspects of your consciousness into alignment. To accelerate through this process the removal of negativity and past karma is necessary in advancing out of the 3d construct into an understanding of the infinite knowledge that exists beyond the veil.

Level One Awareness:
When first awakening to your surroundings of this reality you begin to understand you do not exist alone on this planet.  As living here and experiencing this life you perceive the world in five senses.  There are other avenues of awareness that are interpreted as intuition, gut feeling, or sixth sense.  These are the beginning stages of tapping into multi-dimensional awareness.  The trick is to become more aware within everyday life and trusting in your intuition on a daily basis.  Once this trust is established with the ego/mind, greater awareness can be established.

These are the building blocks or foundation needed to overcome the programs in place in this 3D consciousness.  The more focus you put into this awareness, the more you will realize you are able to reprogram this construct/reality.  The key is to ask question and not to just accept what you are told by anyone.  The key is to find the answers within your own soul construct.  You will soon begin to realize that you do not exist solely on this plane but on many levels of existence.

Level Two Awareness:
You will begin to realize that each dimension has a unique construct of consciousness which is directly connected to you.  Even though they are on a higher dimension this does not make them better than you, more intelligent than you, or able to make the correct choices for you in this life.

Each being is experiencing life in the form of which ever dimension they exist.  Choosing to be here in 3D is a major responsibility and makes us equal on all levels.  Only when you look to your highest self can you find the guidance you need.  You may find that you show some of your higher selves the wisdom of listening to the highest.  Being here in 3D is not a punishment; it is a root level that allows change on every dimension.  You may find that you must process beliefs, emotions, and karma of your higher selves so that you may grow and all ascend simultaneously.

Level Three Awareness
Requires Ears (Throat Chakra, and Eyes (3rd Eye-Pineal Gland). You must understand the foundational structure of the reality that you are taking part in. That reality being 3D Earth at present. You must understand you are a being of light bound by 16 levels of Kryst Consciousness that allows a light being to exist in a 3rd dimensional form.  You must understand the fundamentals of how your body works. You must understand how to use and activate your chakras and energy bodies. To be able to reach the fifth dimensional construct you must be able to let go of the illusion of 3d reality.

A multidimensional being understands that all dimensions are created equally; that within each of those dimensions the balance and meter is governed is metered by the ability of that being to come from their heart. In coming from your heart, you must understand that love and unity is necessary in joining the collective consciousness of a higher level of existence. This is direct contact with their highest, through sight, sensation or audio, which is a graduated level from intuition. Specific information can be gathered in a conscious communication.

For Example;
At level one, your intuition says not to walk down that street. At level three you understand that there is a danger, it involves 2 people that will cause you harm, down that street.


  1. Thanks so much for the intel.

    Nice bit of synchronicity. I was just having an inner dialog with my higher self having a somewhat "frustrating" day - asking why as Indigos do we get so many "tests/lessons in 3D" when it would easier to just be told who were are and what we are supposed to do and why.

    You reminded me that these test/lessons are necessary for Indigos to effectively remember our true nature/connection to the higher dimensions so that the crystals can learn from this and effectively carry their transition to completion.

    Now my understanding is that as Indigos we are here to assist the crystals do their jobs and we do this by awakening to our true nature and aligning with our highest intent (service to all).

    Much love and light.

  2. To understand when you came in and how you are wired (DNA) sets a foundation of knowledge to aid you in your development. This intel was created to help star-seeds be able to gauge where they are at present in their ability set as well as what to work towards.
    -More Intel to follow-

  3. I notice being what I am has set a challenge toward 3D, as it is very hard to be with my team and practicing on my own is quite challenging not only in the situation I'm in but the situation when it's time to come back to the people around me (I can't just ignore family even if they are blind to my higher self ways).

    If I wanted to leave and be on my own to strengthen my 5D ways and take hold of that intention I would have to be with those who can understand it without there programming getting in the way.

    It is headache enough trying to enforce this "change of program" to the people I am close to that are bound to be too stubborn and end up finding out the hard way. However, recently I have come to understand that with our time in this Nexus wave, it is not just opening us up it is toughening those that have the patience to stay strong in it's process and trust in the fact that if they do... better things are yet to come.

  4. Game On!!! HaaaaSaaaaaat!!!!!

  5. hi ALL , i understand,
    ive been a lone star for a while, even my team have not been allowed to acknowledge me,
    this is all changing, now,
    ive been told to go home, my earth home, and revisit my childhood haunts,
    2 special places,
    with very happy memories,
    after reasearch, they are linked to my lightship families,
    winter hill, lancashire uk, is a few miles up the road where i grew up, and have my first waking memories of the ships,
    and Ingleton Yorkshire uk, we used to holiday here at easter, i have vivid memories of inner earth while here, white scar cave system was accross the stream from where we always camped.
    interesting stuff.

  6. j. my crystal child has already started her mission, she has just left high school, my eldest daughter who has just turned 18, is indigo/crystal, and is struggling,
    once program is full on, we we all transition to crystal.

  7. Thank you brother. :)

  8. morning all,
    had quet night here in uk, its 5,04 am uk time been up now for 24 hours.
    lots of downloads to process assimilate and get out onto the inter net,
    while doing this i was watching rions vids,
    which made me remember a mission few months back, around my birthday, 19th march,

    only brought back half of it, so highlights only,
    ok so im out of this system, heading for home and got diverted through central sun off to the right and through few gates.
    saw what i now know to be the pearlight string galaxy,
    here they tryed to convince me to stay, and take up my posision on the galatic high council,
    yep me royalty haha, i told them just what i though about their highracket, and said id pass, im needed too much on terra,
    then my neice and daughter turned up in a white pope mobile, yer i know, but you use what you have in yr memories for visual ref for back here, as 3d mind just cant comprehend it.
    so i said id go in the pope car if they kids got out and i could drive.
    so i got directions and headed away, then i knew i was being tracked, so the only way back here is to use yr 3d training, they just dont get how we opperate down here, our advantage.
    so i thought to myself, this isnt a pope car but a red fararri, which can fly warp speet factor 13,
    but knowing they could follow me, i sent myself and car into a 30 seconds to mars video, i know, wierd, but i knew my daughter would play it at some point that day, hence me back here, this multiverse stuff takes a while to get used to, stay alert remember yr training.
    but i think they got my message. lol
    namaste netti

  9. well its 9.15 am here ,
    just cleared and opened, then locked down a few remaining soul fragments, ltrapped in the matrix, ha, cant hide from us any more , the fading fast dimmed ones are loosing reality,

    by doing this i've also released my karma in my families DnA. and sent it back to you, so major soul fragments coming yr way. they were released with love, and sent to yr higher selves for adjustment first, those of you who go to 5d, just do with the info what you need to do.

    oh and i quick note, giggles, i found out that me being dyslexic, actually allows me to understand gaelic
    so will not be correcting my grammer or spelling from now on, I will spell how i god damm feel lol

  10. This explains , so much !

    I'm an indigo Mom, with a Crystal teen ..
    The lucky little so and so, lmao .
    Seriously though , I'm Amazed by him ! I'm more amazed by me though , he doesn't realize the density this place had before we got here. It's been so hard , but now .. Everything is changing all around us. All over the world ! Things are shifting .. I'm so happy !
    And we both can do some pretty amazing things ^_^

